Plug Playlist

plugPlaylist -- A secondary playlist used "in-between" main playlist tracks (like commercials).
plugEvery - The frequency that "plugs" should be interjected between main playlist tracks.



This option allows you to designate a secondary playlist to be "in between" tracks. The idea being that through "Plug Playlist" you can insert commercials, or short "spots" between tracks -- without having to modify your original playlists. Plug Playlist works in conjunction with the plugEvery option. The plugEvery option allows you to control how often an item in the plugPlaylist will play. A plug Playlist is identical to a standard Wimpy XML playlist, and can include as much (or as little) information as needed.

The plugPlaylist does not show up in the main playlist within Wimpy. The plugPlaylist is "hidden" and basically sits in the background until X number of track have played (as specified by plugEvery). If the plugPlaylist contains more than one item, each item will play one after the other alternating between "main" playlist tracks.

For example:

Main Playlist:
- playlist.xml (or whatever you're using for your main playlist )
- Contains 10 items
- For simplicity, each item in the main playlist has a name of "track 1" through "track 10"

Plug Playlist:
- playlist_plugs.xml
- Contains 5 items
- Each item in the main playlist has a name of "commercial 1" through "commercial 5"

plugEvery is set to 2

The Main Playlist will
display within Wimpy as:

The order of playback
will be as follows:

track 1
track 2
track 3
track 4
track 5
track 6
track 7
track 8
track 9
track 10


commercial 1
track 1
track 2
commercial 2
track 3
track 4
commercial 3
track 5
track 6
commercial 4
track 7
track 8
commercial 5
track 9
track 10



[ URL ] -- A URL to an XML playlist

[ number ] -- Any number greater than or equal to 1



As HTML option:


As Wimpy Configs Option:


As Javascript Option:













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