Skin Strings Explained


You can load and retrieve "skin strings" using Wasp Publisher.

To load a skin string, launch Wasp Publisher, then click on the "Style" tab. In the "Skin" section, click on the drop-down menu and select "Load" then paste a skin string into the field.

To save a skin string, select the "Show" option, then copy the text-string from the field.


Examining a skin string

A "skin" is a text-based "string" that identifies the style, size and color for each element.

Example skin (aka "skin string"):


Each object is identified by a two letters. Each object is separated by a "carat" character ( ^ ).

Using the example above, you will see that three objects are referenced within the skin:





Within each object, there can be a maximum of 6 "fields" which are delineated by a "pipe" character ( | ).

identifier   show/hide    style     size    background color    foreground color     alternate color

    sm          1           3         23         FFFFFF              FFFFFF               FFFFFF

Each object has a unique two letter identifier. A reference list for these identifiers is available within the Wasp API documentation.

Show / Hide
"1" means show, "0" means hide.

Each style is associated with a specific number.

Background / Foreground / Alternate Color
Each style may have up to three editable colors. Some styles may only have one or two editable color attributes. Due to the complexity of each button or slider style, it may take a couple times to recognize which color attribute refers to which part of the object -- the timeline is especially tricky because it includes a "loading indicator" as well as a "current time" indicator. The loading indicator is tied directly to the outline (if the style uses an outline).








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